
There are many ways to improve vanilla and we’ll be very happy if you want to help!

Test and advertise

A lot of people do not think of this but just spreading the Vanilla Linux distribution may already help! Encouraging people to use, testing all its purposes, doing some tests and feedback is always welcomed.


One of the most important and time consuming task is maintaining adding new packages. Fortunately, writing a package in Vanilla is pretty straightforward and does not require much time to master.

See the repository vanilla and its file for more information about this topic.

Implementing features

While vpk is already in a good shape and starting to be widely usable it still requires major features that are not implemented yet. All of these features are described in the project redmine page and you may help implementing then. If you already know POSIX shell script then you will be able to quickly help us.

Implementing tools

Although vpk is the primary tool required to run Vanilla Linux, there are other several tools that we need to create to make Vanilla a full and complete system. The following tools are required and must be written: