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Create any kind of library.


TARGET              target name
SOURCES             src1, src2, srcn
EXTERNAL            (Optional) set to true for external libraries
FOLDER              (Optional) optional subfolder to organize
TYPE                (Optional) type of library
ASSETS              (Optional) list of assets
LIBRARIES           (Optional) libraries to link
PRIVATE_FLAGS       (Optional) C flags (without -D)
PRIVATE_INCLUDES    (Optional) local includes for the target only
PUBLIC_FLAGS        (Optional) C flags (without -D)
PUBLIC_INCLUDES     (Optional) includes to share with target dependencies

Create a library and optionally install it.

The function create a new library named with the parameter TARGET, you should prefix it with "lib" as its the convention within molko (e.g. libfoo), the prefix is automatically removed.

The argument SOURCES should contains the C source files and HEADERS should points to a directory to be installed verbatim in the include directory.

Optional argument EXTERNAL should be set for targets that are not maintained here (e.g. third party libraries embedded).

Optional argument PRIVATE_FLAGS, PUBLIC_FLAGS, PRIVATE_INCLUDES, PUBLIC_INCLUDES, LIBRARIES may be passed to set compile flags, includes and libraries respectively.

The arguments ASSETS contains a list of assets to be converted during the build. The file hierarchy is conserved in the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.

If FOLDER option is set, it is organized into its name under the IDE if supported.